Mechanical SPICE
Mechanical SPICE at a glance
Mechanical SPICE was first published on Feb 20, 2017, keeping a focus on development, streamlining and assessment of mechanical processes which are used for the development of mechanical systems and components. These are linked to Automotive SPICE® according to the Plug-In Concept defined in Automotive SPICE®.
Interfaces to the following are also covered in Mechanical SPICE:
- Mechatronic processes (SYS.X)
- Production
- Development of test environment
Mechanical SPICE PlugIn

Mechanical SPICE Process Reference Model
These 3-lifecycle process categories has been further segregated into process groups
1. Primary Lifecycle Processes
a) Acquisition process group
b) Supply process group
c) System engineering process group
d) Mechanical system engineering process group
e) Mechanical component engineering process group
2. Supporting Lifecycle Processes
a) Supporting process group
3. Organizational Lifecycle Processes
a) Management process group
b) Process improvement process group
c) Reuse process group
The process assessment model selects processes from a process reference model and supplements with indicators. These indicators support the collection of objective evidence which enable an assessor to assign ratings for processes according to the capability dimension.

Process Assessment Model Relationship

Zookoo Consulting is here to help you on the journey of achieving Mechanical SPICE compliance.
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Our Business
We can support you with following services :-
Gap analyses
This is firsthand check of your processes with reference to Mechanical SPICE model. In fact, here we focus the gap between "As-Is" vs "To-Be". This service is provided by your intacs® certified assessors
As recognized experts provide you best guidance with practical examples in order to improve your processes and your day-to-day activities to develop mechanical system and components.
Process Definitions
We know, you are expert in development of your product and need to meet the customer deadlines. We are here to support you with our experts for defining your processes. Our experts with ample experience will first understand your working, and then will support you in process definition.
Here our certified assessor checks your preparedness for going to formal assessment. More focus is to find out gap with target capability levels.
Formal Assessments
intacs® certified competent or Principal assessor conduct formal assessment and provide rating to all the processes within scope of assessment.
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